Tag Archives: Amy McElroy

My review of ‘Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era’ by Amy McElroy

‘Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era’ aims to focus on the life stages of women and the differences experienced by these women due to their social standing. McElroy divides up women’s lives into 9 sections: growing up, adolescence, brides, married … Continue reading

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Books 2024 – on sale today – Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era by Amy McElroy

28 February – Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era by Amy McElroy ‘Women in the Tudor age are often overshadowed by their male counterparts. Even those of royalty were deemed inferior to males. Whilst women may have been classed as … Continue reading

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Books 2024 – Another book that features Jane to look forward to….

28 February – Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era by Amy McElroy ‘Women in the Tudor age are often overshadowed by their male counterparts. Even those of royalty were deemed inferior to males. Whilst women may have been classed as … Continue reading

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Books 2023 – a book that features Lady Jane – Educating the Tudors by Amy McElroy, on sale now…

‘Education during the Tudor era was a privilege and took many forms including schools, colleges and apprenticeships. Those responsible for delivering education came from a variety of backgrounds from the humble parish priest to the most famed poet-laureates of the … Continue reading

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