Category Archives: Book Reviews

My review of ‘Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era’ by Amy McElroy

‘Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era’ aims to focus on the life stages of women and the differences experienced by these women due to their social standing. McElroy divides up women’s lives into 9 sections: growing up, adolescence, brides, married … Continue reading

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My review of ‘Mary I: Queen of Sorrows’ by Alison Weir

‘Mary I: Queen of Sorrows’ is the sort of book where you look forward to your morning commute, as it gives you a chance to read more! Alison Weir has taken the well-known events of the reigns of the Tudors … Continue reading

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My review of ‘1000 Tudor People’ by Melita Thomas

‘1000 Tudor People’ is a must have for anyone with an interest in the Tudor period. Included in the 1000 are royalty, consorts, nobility and ordinary people. As well as biographies, this richly illustrated book covers a wealth of other … Continue reading

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My review of ‘Tudor Feminists 10 Renaissance Women Ahead of their Time’ by Rebecca Wilson

‘Tudor Feminists’ looks at the lives of 10 women ranging from royalty (Queens and a potential heir to the throne) to landowners to a pirate. What these women have in common is that each in their own way can be … Continue reading

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My review of ‘Young Elizabeth: Princess, Prisoner, Queen’ by Nicola Tallis

In ‘Young Elizabeth: Princess, Prisoner, Queen’ we follow Elizabeth on her perilous path to the throne. Her journey is brought vividly to life through a superb narrative combined with meticulous research. To get there she had to survive the reigns … Continue reading

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