


12 October - Prince Edward born.

October - Lady Jane Grey born. See Date of Birth .


Visit of Roger Ascham to Bradgate Park.


4 November - Visit of Mary of Guise. See King Edward's Journal .


25 May - Marriage of Lady Jane to Guildford Dudley.

6 July - Death of King Edward VI.

9 July - Lady Jane taken to Syon House, where the Duke of Northumberland announces the death of Edward VI.

10 July - Lady Jane's procession to the Tower of London, where she is proclaimed Queen, is observed by Spinola .

10-19 July - Reign of Queen Jane. See Nine Days Reign . Jane signs letters as Queen. See Signatures .

19 July - Princess Mary proclaimed Queen.

August - Lady Jane writes her Letter to Mary.

Late August - The author of 'The Chronicle of Queen Jane and Two Years of Queen Mary' dines at the house of Mr Nathaniel Partridge at the Tower of London and records his conversation with Lady Jane. See Captivity.

November - Trial at the Guildhall. See Trial and Judge .


9-12 February - Debate between Lady Jane and Dr Feckenham. Lady Jane writes a Prayer, a Farewell Statement and farewell letters to her Father, sister Katherine and Sir John Brydges. See Signatures.

12 February - Execution of Lady Jane and Guildford Dudley. See Speech from Scaffold.

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