My review of ‘Margaret Tudor: The Life of Henry VIII’s Sister by Melanie Clegg

(c) Pen & Sword History

This is a highly readable account of the life of the Tudor Princess who became Queen of Scotland, Margaret Tudor. Often overlooked in favour of her famous brother Henry VIII, Clegg brings Margaret vividly to life as we follow her from pampered princess, through her successful reign as Scotland’s Queen consort and then her struggles as Queen Dowager.

As her granddaughter (Mary, Queen of Scots) found to her cost, balancing the demands of the Scottish factions was a difficult task and Margaret did not make it any easier with her later marriage choices. Margaret showed the same iron will as her Tudor siblings but was often caught between her brother and her adopted country.

Although Henry VIII overlooked Margaret’s descendants in favour of those of his younger sister Mary, it was Margaret’s great grandson who inherited the throne of England when the Tudor line died out. This book goes a long way to restoring Margaret to the recognition she deserves.

Thank you to Pen and Sword History for my review copy

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