writings of lady jane



Farewell Statement

Speech from Scaffold


Other Writings

Writings of Lady Jane Grey

Writings of Lady Jane Grey exist in different forms; various letters, a prayer, her speech from the scaffold and also examples of her signatures.

Jane's prayer book, the one she carried to her trial and execution, and in which she wrote farewell messages to her father and Sir John Brydges, used to be on display at the British Museum. It has now been moved to the British Library but is not on display. I would suggest you contact The British Library to find out when/if it will be on display.

A photo of the prayer book can be seen in 'Lady Jane Grey and the House of Suffolk' and Lady Jane Grey: Nine Days Queen both by Alison Plowden and viewed at the Historical texts section of the British Library website.

The 'Other Writings' section contains details of letters that mention Jane.

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