Castle Rising

Last month I visited Castle Rising in Norfolk. Unfortunately it was closed due to the snow but we still got to walk round it.

Entrance to Castle Rising

Entrance to Castle Rising

Mary Tudor, Duchess of Suffolk visited the Castle twice and wrote a letter to Cardinal Wolsey from there in March 1528.

Castle Rising

Castle Rising

Mary to Wolsey
March 17 1528

‘My very good lorde as hertely as I can I commande me unto your good Lordeship. Always thanking the same for the manyfolde kindness shewed to me and my husband. Desiring yowe of your good countynuance. And where as I amm enformed by my trusty counsaillours Ser Humfrey Banaster Knight my chamberleynn and Humphrey Wingfielde Esquyre that it pleased you for my sake to graunte unto them for the promocionn of a chapleyn of mynn the benefice of Graftonn Flyford in the Countie of Worcester being of the yerely value as I understood of xij markes. And that as now Maister Belknap hath caused an Office to be founde of the same. By reason wherof and as I suppose he hath axed orlese entendith to ax the said benefice of the King my brother for a Chapleyn of his. Wherof I beseche your lordeship to have inn your good remembraunce your saide graunte for my saide Chapleynn and to provide that my said Chapleynn be not by the meanes of the said Maister Belknap disapoynted or put frome the said benefice.

And thus our lorde have you my very goode lorde in his blissed tuycionn From the Manor of Rysing the xvijth daye of Marche.

Marie quene of france’

(p.189-190, Sadlack)


The French Queen’s Letters: Mary Tudor Brandon and the Politics of Marriage in 16th Century Europe
Erin A Sadlack
2011, Palgrave Macmillan