Category Archives: On this day

‘Then, the Lady Jane, daughter to the lord Marquis Dorset, chief mourner…’

On 7th September 1548, Lady Jane was the chief mourner at the funeral of Queen Katherine Parr at Sudeley Castle. Events by Place – Sudeley Castle Sudeley Castle

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Note, that on tuisdaie the xxixth of Auguste, I dyned at Partrige’s house with my lady Jane…

‘Note, that on tuisdaie the xxixth of Auguste, I dyned at Partrige’s house with my lady Jane, being ther present, she sitting at the bordes end, Partige, his wife, Jacob my ladyes gentill woman, and hir man. She commanding Partrige … Continue reading

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21st August 1553 – The lady Jane loking through the windowe sawe the duke and the rest going to the churche

‘Note, on mondaye the xxjst of August, it was appointed the duke with other shoulde have suffered, and all the garde were at the Tower; but howe soever it chaunced he did not; but he desired to here masse, and … Continue reading

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On this day in 1528…

Mary Tudor, Duchess of Suffolk wrote a letter to Cardinal Wolsey from Castle Rising on this day in 1528. Mary to Wolsey March 17 1528 ‘My very good lorde as hertely as I can I commande me unto your good … Continue reading

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Executions of Lady Jane and Guildford Dudley – 12 February 1554

‘For, as the Precher sayethe, there is a tyme to be borne, and a tyme to dye…’ Jane wrote a farewell message to Sir John Brydges (the Lieutenant of the Tower), in the prayer book she carried to the scaffold. … Continue reading

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