Books that feature Lady Jane in 2014

2013 was a bumper year for books that featured Lady Jane Grey. There was ‘Tudor: The Family Story’ by Leanda de Lisle, ‘Queen’s Gambit’ by Elizabeth Fremantle, ‘The Children of Henry VIII’ by John Guy and ‘Venus in Winter’ by Gillian Bagwell.

For 2014, I have only come across one new book that will feature Jane. ‘Sisters of Treason’ by Elizabeth Fremantle (the second in her Tudor trilogy) will be published in May.

The paperback version of Elizabeth’s ‘Queen’s Gambit’ has just been published and we also have the paperbacks of De Lisle’s ‘Tudor: The Family Story’ and Guy’s ‘The Children of Henry VIII’ to look forward to.

Have I missed any new books due in 2014 that will feature Jane?

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