Books 2015 – on sale today – The Virgin’s Spy: A Tudor Legacy Novel by Laura Andersen

10 November – The Virgin’s Spy: A Tudor Legacy Novel by Laura Andersen

(c) Ballantine Books

(c) Ballantine Books

‘Queen Elizabeth I remains sovereign of England and Ireland. For the moment, at least. An Irish rebellion is growing and Catholic Spain, led by the Queen’s former husband, King Philip, plans to seize advantage of the turmoil. Stephen Courtenay, eldest son of Dominic and Minuette, Elizabeth’s most trusted confidantes, has accepted a command in Ireland to quell the unrest. But the task will prove dangerous in more ways than one.

The Princess of Wales, Elizabeth’s daughter, Anabel, looks to play a greater role in her nation, ever mindful that there is only one Queen of England. But how is Anabel to one day rule a country when she cannot even govern her own heart?’


Further details –

Further details – Laura Andersen

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